| ![]() (2) Reserve Augmentation. Some activities use reservists to augment the railroad.
This program of reserve augmentation benefits both the activity (it gets additional personnel) and
the reservists (they get valuable hands-on training). However, Installation Commanders shall
actively manage the program to ensure that reservists can provide support without creating safety
concerns. Examples include: developing and documenting an on-the-job training program for
each of the specialties in which the reservists work; not allowing reservists to perform a particular
task without proper supervision until they have demonstrated competency; ensuring that reservists
have the proper certification and licensing; maintaining informal records of their tours and
performance so that additional training, if needed, can be provided during their next tour of duty;
(3) New or Changing Missions. Installation Commanders shall conduct an analysis of
how any mission or mission changes will affect the railroad prior to assumption of the new
mission. Changes in railroad operations, equipment, and facilities shall be made when the analysis
shows that safety has been negatively affected.
(4) Reorganizations. Reorganizations have occurred at some activities. Railroad
operations may have been retained by the activity, but track maintenance and locomotive/railcar
maintenance have been moved to other organizations resulting in the creation of new lines of
management authority and responsibility. New lines of authority and responsibility make the
railroad difficult to manage as a system, and loss of control is possible. Installation Commanders
shall remain constantly alert to keep communications from becoming confused or non-existent.
Installation Commanders shall ensure that organizations, responsible for different aspects of the
railroad, have well defined processes for communicating with each other. Installation
Commanders shall also ensure each organization thoroughly understands each process. Examples
of these processes include but are not limited to: requests for locomotive, railcar, and track
maintenance; notification of out of service track; notification of times and locations for track
maintenance; requests for railcar spotting; mishap reporting, etc.
(5) Contracting. In some cases, the railroad operation or one or more of its aspects
(track repair, locomotive or car repair, etc.) are contracted to a commercial concern. Installation
Commanders or those responsible for contracting out railroad operations shall ensure that safety
is a part of the contract and that communications among and between the railroad operators, the
users of the railroad, and other installation personnel who interface with the railroad remain open.
c. Association of American Railroads. Installations, in recognizing the importance of
their local railroad operating directives, have sometimes based them on the "The Standard Code
of Operating Rules" published by the Association of American Railroads. This manual is an
excellent source of information because it contains the collective wisdom and experience of the
commercial rail industry operating in the private sector. Many activities in writing their railroad
operations manual have quoted the rule designation (letter or number) instead of the actual rule.
Frequently, the original rules have been forgotten; and no one remembers the rules for which the
designations stood. Installation Commanders are encouraged to use the "The Standard Code of
Operating Rules" in writing their local railroad operating directive and shall quote the rule instead
of the number/letter designation.
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