| ![]() T-45C TS INav-01
Review of FLIP and FAA Publications
Section B: Airport/Facility Directory
The directory contains an alphabetical listing of airports, Air Route Traffic Control Centers, NAVAIDs, and
Flight Service Stations. There are certain entries with which you should be thoroughly familiar and warrant
a review.
The section begins with a City/Airport Cross-Reference. As the listing of airports is by airport name, this
listing provides a cross-reference when the city name is not
part of the airport name.
Location Identifier - Airports and NAVAIDs have a 3-letter
FAA location identifier or 4-letter ICAO location identifier.
These are used for flight plans, charts, and clearances.
When flying within the United States on a military flight plan,
do not use the first letter of an ICAO identifier. This
identifies the country, i.e., K for the United States.
NOTE: METAR weather codes will use the K identifier.
CAUTION: Joint use airports such as ATLANTA NAS and
WASHINGTON NAF will have an identifier for the Air Force
or civilian side of the airport and a separate identifier for the
Navy side of the airport.
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(2-02) Original
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