| ![]() T-45C TS INav-10
Flight Planning (En Route)
If SID used, enter coded identifier or name and
transition fix (dont forget the dot between the
SID name and the transition)
Clearly define the route of flight using NAVAID
identifiers or radial/DME fixes (use six digits), jet
route identifiers, or named intersections; no
route identifiers between NAVAIDs/fixes
indicates direct flight
To transition from one jet route to another at an
unnamed intersection, enter the designations of
the two routes separated by a space
For IFR flight plans, the last fix entered is the
nearest appropriate IAF, NAVAID, first point of
intended landing, or published fix, which most
clearly establishes the route of flight to the
destination or the point where the IFR portion of
the flight will end
If a fix is collocated with a NAVAID, ILS
(instrument landing system) marker, or other fix,
the five-letter name/name-code applies
Also file fixes using fix radial and distance,
which consists of NAVAID identifier, three
characters for azimuth, and three characters for
distance in nautical miles (nm), or by listing
latitude and longitude
To blockthree-letter FAA location identifier or last
Sg 1, fr 9
three letters of the international identifier of the final
DD Form 175TO
destination airport after last line entry in the ROUTE
and ETE
OF FLIGHT block (if there is no location identifier,
enter the airport name)
Page 10-7
(2-02) Original
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