| T-45C TS INav-09
Flight Planning (Departure)
D. Types of approaches available and minimums (FLIP
Terminal High Altitude Approach Procedures)
E. Runway lighting (FLIP Enroute IFR Supplement and
FLIP Terminal High Altitude Approach Procedures)
F. Field elevation (FLIP Enroute IFR Supplement and
FLIP Terminal High Altitude Approach Procedures)
G. Obstructions (FLIP Enroute IFR Supplement, FLIP
Terminal High Altitude Approach Procedures and
H. Communications/NAVAID frequencies (FLIP Enroute
IFR Supplement and FLIP Terminal High Altitude
Approach Procedures)
Arresting gear and/or jet barrier (FLIP Enroute IFR
Supplement and FLIP Terminal High Altitude Approach
J. Aircraft servicing and contract fuel (FLIP Enroute IFR
K. Forecast weather at ETA +/- 1 hour (weather briefing)
L. Miscellaneous information concerning your destination
(FLIP Enroute IFR Supplement, FLIP Area Planning
AP/1 and NOTAMs)
Items to Check for Route/Altitude Selection
Sg 1, fr 7
Items to Check for
A. Preferred IFR routes (Area Planning AP1/1A)
B. NOTAMs (flight planning area)
C. Availability of usable NAVAIDs (NOTAMs and FLIP
Enroute High Altitude Chart)
D. En route weather (weather briefing)
E. Forecast winds (weather briefing) (request OPARS data
as far in advance as possible)
F. Minimum en route altitudes (FLIP Enroute High Altitude
Page 9-5
(2-02) Original
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