| ![]() T-45C TS INav-08
Fuel, Weather, and Alternate Airfield Planning
1. This is a workbook/lab that you will complete in group session with an instructor. You will bring FLIP
publications and the TW-1 In-Flight Guide.
2. The lesson contains information accompanied by exercises and/or questions to measure your under-
standing of the subject matter. Answers are provided in the back of the workbook to allow you to
monitor your progress through the lesson.
During preflight planning, you must know the weather and fuel requirements. When airborne, you must be
prepared to execute contingency plans in the event that conditions change.
The more experience you have flying, the more evident it becomes that proper planning and preparation
play a major role in the safe and effective accomplishment of your mission.
As you prepare for an IFR mission, you must consider, in your preflight planning, the types of approaches
and weather minimums associated with your aircrafts compatible NAVAIDs for both destination and
alternate airfields.
Another critical aspect in preparing for your flight is fuel planning. Your fuel plan must include provisions
for departure to destination and destination to an alternate, plus your required reserve.
When you have completed this lesson, you will be able to use the appropriate criteria for determining
weather minimums and fuel requirements for your destination and alternate airfields.
This lesson consists of:
Weather minimums
Alternate routes/airfields
Fuel requirements for route of flight
Navigation computer
- Point-to-point
(2-02) Original
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