| ![]() T-45C ADV INav-03
INav Review
Glideslope: glideslope beam transmitter
Sg 5, fr 10: ILS Frequencies
(1) The glideslope (highly directional shielded
antenna) signal is radiated in the direction
of the localizer front course
(2) The glideslope transmitter operates on one
of 40 dedicated ILS channels
CAUTION: Pilots should be aware that
Sg 5, fr 11: High ILS
vehicular traffic not subject to ATC may
Approach Plate (Plan View)
cause momentary deviation in ILS course
or glideslope signals. Also, critical areas
around the ILS equipment shielded
antennas are not protected at uncontrolled
airports or at airports with an operating
control tower when weather or visibility
conditions are above those requiring
protective measures.
(3) Range (position) systems
Sg 5, fr 11a: High ILS
Approach Plate (Profile View)
(a) The following systems are commonly
used to identify range (position) when
flying an ILS/LOC approach
Marker beacons
Distance Measuring Equipment
Compass locator
(b) The position of the aircraft on ILS/LOC
Sg 5, fr 12: Introduction to
approaches is very important due to
INav Review Menu
the precise nature of the approach,
lower minimums, and obstacle
clearances associated with them. The
pilot relies on this information to
execute specific portions of the
approach and for position in relation
to the glidepath
Page 3-19
(2-02) Original
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