| ![]() T-45C TS & IUT INav-11
Practical Problems
Flight Log Fuel Planning Answers
1. Your ETE to destination is ________.
ANSWER: 1 + 02 +/- 5 minutes
2. Your estimated fuel remaining at the JAX IAF will be ________lb.
ANSWER: 1280 +/- 50
DD-175 Answers
1. What is the last entry in the ROUTE OF FLIGHT section in your DD-175?
ANSWER: NIP 204035
2. The ETE to alternate (ALTN) on your DD-175 is computed from IAF JAX to IAF CARLO and is _____
3. Is the date on your DD-175 local or Zulu?
Departure Answers
1. What frequency should you use to call clearance delivery?
ANSWER: 301.0
2. Are you required to read back the clearance when clearance is exactly as filed?
ANSWER: Yes--CNATRA requires that all clearances be read back (ATC does not make this
requirement, i.e., ATC requires only acknowledge the clearance).
3. What frequency should you select to obtain the duty runway and altimeter information?
ANSWER: 273.2
4. What is the name of the service that provides the duty runway and altimeter information?
5. Before taxiing, contact ________.
ANSWER: ground control
6. What frequency should you be on to receive taxi instructions?
ANSWER: 336.4
(2-02) Original
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