| ![]() T-45C TS INav-06
Departure and Terminal Procedures
With the runway environment in sight state your
intentions to Approach Control and visually
circle to land on the intended runway by any
EXCEPTION: 1. A circling maneuver is
specified by Approach Control; or, 2. There is a
circling restriction on the Approach Procedure
Chart, e.g., Maneuvering East of Rwy 16L -
34R centerline not authorized
Maintain the circling MDA until in a position
from which to make a safe landing on the
intended runway
Do not descend below the MDA to remain clear
of clouds
Circling Area Limits
Sg 5, fr 5 p4
Figure 11:
(1) Maneuver the shortest path to the base of
Circling Area Limits
downwind leg, as appropriate, considering
existing weather conditions. There is no
restriction from passing over the airport or
other runways.
(2) It should be recognized that circling
maneuvers may be made while VFR or
other flying is in progress at the airport.
Standard left turns or specific instruction
from the controller for maneuvering must be
considered when circling to land.
(3) At airports without a control tower, it may be
desirable to fly over the airport to observe
wind and turn indicators and other traffic
which may be on the runway or flying in the
vicinity of the airport.
If loss of visual reference to the surface occurs,
execute a missed approach procedure for the
original approach as specified on the approach
plate or as specified by Approach Control
Page 6-34
(2-02) Original
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