| ![]() T-45C TS INav-06
Departure and Terminal Procedures
(2) The reported ground visibility at the
destination airport must be at least 1 sm
The destination airport must have a standard or
special instrument approach procedure
Approved separation is applied between aircraft
and other IFR or special VFR aircraft
A contact approach is an approach procedure
that may be used by the pilot (with prior
authorization from ATC) in lieu of conducting a
standard or special IAP to the airport. It is not
intended for use by a pilot on an IFR flight
clearance to operate to an airport not having an
authorized IAP
The contact approach is not intended for an
aircraft to conduct an instrument approach to
one airport and then, when "in the clear," to
discontinue that approach and proceed to
another airport
In the execution of a contact approach, the pilot
assumes the responsibility for obstruction
If RADAR service is being received, it will
automatically terminate when the pilot is told to
contact the tower
Circling Approach
Sg 5 fr 3
Figure 10:
Use the circling minimums on the approach
Circling Approach
procedure, or path-over-the-ground, for which
you were cleared
EXAMPLE: Cleared for the High TACAN
runway six approach, circle to land runway two
Page 6-32
(2-02) Original
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