| ![]() T-45C TS INav-06
Departure and Terminal Procedures
EXCEPTION: Single-piloted aircraft can
commence practice approaches at en route
airports regardless of reported weather, even if
below minimums, and descend to published
MDA or single-piloted decision height (DH) if
fuel is planned for, and available for these
approaches. However, if the place where you
execute practice approaches is below
minimums it cannot be your destination or
Formations - Restricted to two aircraft in
instrument conditions and the reported weather
must be at least published circling minimums to
commence the approach. Once commenced,
the leader may, at their discretion, continue the
approach in formation to the minimums
prescribed for the type aircraft being flown. If a
circling approach is not authorized for the
runway in use, basic VFR minimums of 1,000 ft
and 3 sm apply for an approach
Approach clearances
“Cleared for approach” - Execute any published
approach procedure to the airfield but state
your intentions
“Cleared for TACAN approach” - Execute any
published TACAN approach procedure to the
airfield but state your intentions.
“Cleared for straight-in TACAN approach” -
Execute any published TACAN approach
procedure to the active runway which has
straight-in minimums authorized, but state your
“Cleared for Hi-TACAN runway 24 approach” -
Execute the published TACAN approach
procedure for Runway 24 and land straight-in
on Runway 24
(2-02) Original
Page 6-25
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