Navigation modes
Fig 1: HUD Navigation
A. Selecting navigation submodes
1. Weapons selector must be set to OFF
2. With landing gear handle down, navigation submode is approach
3. With landing gear handle up, navigation submode is cruise
B. Interpreting navigation modes symbology
Fig 2: Navigation
1. Heading: reads 15 degrees each side of aircrafts magnetic
2. Attitude (artificial horizon): shows relation of aircraft to horizon
and reads noseup/nosedown in 5-degree increments to maximum
of 85 degrees either way
a. At 90 degrees noseup, a cross displays
b. At 90 degrees nosedown, a circled cross displays
3. Angle of bank: reads to 45 degrees; limits at 47.5 degrees and
flashes; at 90 degrees AOB pointer is removed
4. Indicated airspeed: reads to 1 kt
5. True airspeed: reads to 1 kt
6. Angle of attack: limits at 0 and 30 units
7. Mach number: reads to .01 Mach; disappears if data unreasonable
8. G load: reads from -6.0 to +12.0 in .1-g increments
9. Pressure datum (barometer): set to station pressure before flight;
must be used in conjunction with airfield elevation. This indication
flashes at 18,000 MSL to remind you to reset your pressure datum.
10. Vertical speed indication: calculated in the DEU; reads + or -
between +6000 and -5000 feet/minute. Beyond these limits,
indications are ++, +++ (up) or , - (down).
11. Barometric altitude: reads from -1000 to 53,000 MSL in 20-ft
12. Radar altitude: shown at and below 4990 AGL; readout disappears
above that altitude. It may also disappear if aircraft attitude causes
it to be unreliable. Reads in 5 ft-increments.
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