Air Combat Maneuvering
As stated earlier, you will not consider weather conditions as part of your tactical repertoire until you face a
real bogey. But it warrants remembering that you can effectively use clouds, haze, or other weather
phenomena to gain or regain the advantage.
All engagements shall be conducted under VMC conditions with the following additions:
1. Maintain a minimum 5 statute mile visibility with defined horizon.
2. Remain above or between cloud layers only with distinct horizon.
3. Maintain a minimum of 15,000 ft between broken/overcast layers.
4. Maintain a minimum of 1 nm horizontally and 2,000 ft vertically from all clouds.
5. For a solo flight, cloud tops shall not be higher than 7,000 ft AGL.
6. For a dual flight, cloud tops shall not be higher than 8,000 ft AGL.
7. The deck is set at a minimum of 5,000 ft above all cloud tops.
T-45C Revision 1
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