Basic Instrument Maneuvers
Instrument Flight
Throttle: MRT
Speed brakes: In
Nose attitude: Lower until 20-21 units AOA achieved, level wings
AOA: Maintain 20-21 units
Altitude: Maneuver complete when positive rate of climb confirmed on VSI and altimeter
To set up for a dirty stall, configure the aircraft for level flight with gear and flaps/slats down, speed brakes
out, trimmed up, on-speed; then perform the landing checklist and review the stall and aerobatic checklist.
Set the throttle to idle rpm, as the aircraft decelerates, maintain altitude and hold the wings level. As with
the other stall entry, you will have to increase back stick pressure as your airspeed bleeds off to maintain
altitude (do not trim into the stall). Continue to maintain altitude through rudder shaker into the onset of
buffet, and until a wing drop off is achieved at stall. To recover, simultaneously advance the throttle to
MRT, retract the speed brakes, lower the nose to attain 23-24 units AOA and level wings. Hold AOA at
23-24 units until you see a positive rate of climb on the VSI and altimeter.
Altitude: 10,000 ft AGL minimum
Configuration: Dirty, speed brakes extended, trimmed for level flight
AOA: Optimum
Landing checklist: Complete
Stall and aerobatic checklist: Review
Throttle: Idle rpm
Nose attitude: Adjust to maintain altitude
Wing attitude: Wings level
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