Instrument Flight
Basic Instrument Maneuvers
The barrel roll is a combination climbing and diving maneuver which is accomplished by rolling the aircraft
about a point 45 degrees off the aircraft heading on the horizon. Begin in straight level flight, 350 KIAS,
and 92 percent power. Commence a climbing roll with initial acceleration of 2-3 gs to achieve a 90-degree
heading change as the aircraft passes through the horizon inverted. Airspeed passing through the horizon
will be 170-190 KIAS. The nose should reach 45 degrees above the horizon as 90 degrees of roll are
completed. Continue the roll so the nose passes 45 degrees below the horizon when the wings are 90
degrees to the horizon. Coordinate the rate of roll and backpressure as necessary to place the aircraft
straight and level on the entry altitude and heading.
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