Carrier Qualification
On the Ball: LSO call stating hold your transmission until aircraft in groove has landed.
Overhead Time: The scheduled time a flight of aircraft is expected overhead the ship for pattern entry.
Paddles: The call sign for the LSO.
Parrot: IFF
Pigeons: The magnetic bearing and distance to the divert field named.
Pilot Landing Assistance Television (PLAT): Video camera system used to record carrier operations.
PIM: Position of intended movement.
Plane Guard: SAR helicopter or ship assigned during aircraft launch and recovery, usually located in
starboard Delta for a helicopter, three miles astern for a ship.
Platform: A reporting point in the ships TACAN approach (normally at 20 nm from the ship at 5,000 ft) at
which the rate of descent is decreased to 2,000 feet per minute.
Popeye: Code word used to signify that aircraft is operating IMC.
Pri-Fly: Tower location where the AIR BOSS oversees the pattern and flight deck operations.
Pull Back: Action following arrestment whereby the wire is partially retracted to allow the pilot to raise the
Push Back: Action taken anytime the aircraft needs to be moved back by deck personnel.
RTB: Signal to return to base.
Ramp: The aft end of the flight deck or the downwind end of the platform of the runway.
Ramp Time: Time assigned for an aircraft to be crossing the ramp.
Roll Angle: Movement of the lens about the roll axis (set for each type of aircraft) to maintain a constant
targeted hook touchdown point.
Round Down: The aft end of the landing area that is curved downward.
See You: Communication used to indicate that flight lead has the ship in sight.
(7-01) Original
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