Air Combat Maneuvering
Lateral Pitchback: A nose-low hard turn with lift vector on or slightly below the bandit, used for
distances of 1-1/4 nautical miles or greater with lateral separation and the bandit on or below the
Lateral Separation: Lateral distance between two aircraft.
Level: Contact designated is at the same altitude as the fighter.
Line of Sight (LOS): Relative bearing to the bandit from the fighters aircraft.
Loose Deuce: Navy tactical doctrine for employment of a section of aircraft in air-to-air warfare.
Low Yo-Yo: An offensive maneuver designed to decrease range by increasing closure rate.
Lufbery: Horizontal or slightly oblique stalemate-type engagement where both aircraft are across
the circle from each other, turning in the same direction at a low-energy state.
Merge Plot: Radar tracks involved in an engagement have come together and cannot be distin-
guished from each other.
Mil Lead: The flight lead.
No Joy: Call made meaning I do not see the bandit.
Nose-To-Tail: Reference to the distance between the nose of an attacker and the tail of the
defender. It is used synonymously with range.
On The Deck: Aircraft are at minimum altitude.
Out-of-HUD: Outside the range of viewing through the HUD.
Padlocked: Call meaning that I have a tally and cannot take my eyes off the bandit for fear of
losing contact due to visibility/range, etc.
Parrot: The IFF/SIF equipment.
(10-98) Original
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