TS Two-PlaneLow-Levels
Operational Navigation
Up to this point, the ONav syllabus in the training command has developed your skills in navigating
within the confines of a VR route as a single ship to arrive on target, on time. Road reconnaissance
flights developed your skills in navigating the more permissive altitude restrictions of an IR route
while performing the responsibilities of tac-lead or tac-wing to identify and attack planned targets and
targets of opportunity while familiarizing you with mutual support doctrine. In the two-plane low-level
flights, you will combine and refine the skills and procedures you have developed in previous ONav
stages. You will now fly point to point in section along a VR route while providing mutual support for
the purpose of arriving on time at a preplanned target for multi-ship weapons delivery. These flights
simulate a low-level section ingress to a target attack in a high threat environment, and will provide
the foundation for further training in the FRS and eventually, the fleet. Someday soon, the towers
you are avoiding now may be replaced by ZSU-23's and SA-6's in operational missions. Remember
that all the formation, low-level flying, and weapons delivery skills are TOOLS to put steel on-target,
on time.
The route used for ONav 13/14x will be a VR route, preferably one that has been flown previously.
The same strip chart used for single-plane ONav will be utilized for these flights, although additional
notation and chart preparation will be required for the two-plane mission. Specifically, notations for
types of turns used at checkpoints, offsets to the course line for obstacle avoidance, and action
areas should be noted. The same fuel planning numbers and 360 knot ground speed should be
Pre-plan specific courses of action during the low-level. This preplanning will be critical to mission
success, and will allow decision-making efforts to be focused elsewhere in this dynamic environ-
ment. Some items of consideration:
2. Determining which side wing will fly off lead during appropriate phases of the route.
3. Determining what types of turns will be executed at checkpoints and other action points.
4. Any additional considerations, which will allow you to more fully focus your attention on
the route, and to provide mutual support.
These will be full systems flights. Having the section arrive on-target, on time will be emphasized
and graded. Use the system to your best advantage to achieve this goal, but don't neglect intermedi-
ate checkpoint identification as a tool to build SA.
(4-03) Original
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