Operational Navigation
A successful search for targets of opportunity results in an attack. These attacks use procedures
you learned in the weapons delivery course, with the exception that you must climb to altitude, roll in,
and deliver your simulated weapon without going around a wagon wheel pattern. Use 10-, 20-, and
30-degree dives, depending on distance to the target, simulated threat environment, and route
structure (refer to Figure 18). (You are not allowed outside, above or below the training route
3. Roll-in
1. Acquisition
4. Release
2. Initiate
5. Rejoin
The tactical lead locates the target. Depending on environmental factors along the route (dust, haze,
vegetation), it may be anywhere from 3-1/2 to 7 miles ahead. He must then talk his wingman on to it.
Often, target description comes during the pop-up when time is very short. Clear and concise radio
transmissions are essential. In the initial call to the wingman, the TACLEAD should start by calling
the target left or right of a landmark (usually a road) to effectively eliminate half of the area the
wingman must search. Visual funneling, similar to the techniques used in single-plane ONav
missions, further narrows the wingman's focus.
This maneuver gets the aircraft from the recce altitudes (3,000-5,000 feet AGL plus 1,000 feet for the
wingman) to a roll-in position for a dive of 10 to 30 degrees. When the lead calls for the "pop,"
commence a climbing turn at MRT away from the section for roughly 30 degrees of turn. During the
climb select the air-to-ground delivery mode by depressing the MODE button on the DEP twice.
Climb to the correct altitude for the intended dive angle and begin an aggressive roll-in to wings-level
(4-03) Original
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