16 September 2003
Aircraft mishap reports, RCS OPNAV 3750-19, 3750-20, and 3752-1, and investigations shall be in
accordance with references (f) and (j).
(1) The Shore Detachment OIC shall be responsible for submitting the initial mishap report, RCS
OPNAV 3750-20, and making the initial telephone reports.
(2) For purposes of mishap identification and Aircraft Mishap Board (AMB) appointment responsi-
bility, an aircraft involved in a mishap which is flown by a pilot from a TRAWING/Squadron different from the
TRAWING/Squadron assigned as the aircraft reporting custodian shall be considered to have been transferred to
the unit to which the pilot is assigned.
(3) The CNATRA Shore Detachment shall have a standing Aircraft Mishap Board (AMB) appointed
for the purpose of performing initial investigating responsibilities until relieved by the AMB of the appropriate
Qualified Post Maintenance Check Flight (PMCF) pilots shall be authorized to perform any required
n. During CQ operations: CNATRA shall provide fleet CVs with all appropriate catapult equipment
including T-Bars (holdback fittings). CNATRA shall liaison with the fleet CV to ensure an adequate supply is in
place prior to commencement of CQ.
CQ Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants (POL) Accounting
(1) Squadrons providing aircraft for each CQ Detachment shall provide the host TRAWING with the
following documents at the beginning of each detachment:
(a) Two each, DD Form 1898 (Avfuels Into-Plane Contract Sales Slip) per aircraft type for
collection of fuel charges at the detachment location and aboard the carrier.
(b) Two each, DD Form 1348 (Department of Defense Single Line Item Requisition Form) for
collection of charges involving oxygen and nitrogen servicing at the detachment base.
NOTE: If the detachment calendar dates are expected to include the 10th, 20th, or 30th of the month, the
requirement for each type of document is doubled to facilitate accounting procedures at the detachment
base and aboard the carrier.
(2) The Shore Detachment host TRAWING is responsible for collecting the DD1898 and DD1348
from each participating squadron and delivering same to the detachment base and carrier. The Shore Detachment
host TRAWING shall pick up the completed and unused documents from the detachment base and the Ship
Detachment host TRAWING shall pick up the documents from the carrier at the end of the detachment. One
working day after return from the detachment, both host TRAWINGs shall release a message identifying each
DD1898 by document number, the annotated gallonage and total cost to each cognizant squadron. Charges for
oxygen and nitrogen are not to be annotated on the message. Accordingly, all documents (both completed and
unused) shall be forwarded by mail to the cognizant squadron.
p. When CQ Detachments straddle the end of the month, senior squadron maintenance representatives
shall be responsible for closing out 3M data by the morning of the first day of the month and mailing that data to
the parent squadron on the same afternoon.
Detachment Organization
Shore based Chain of Command in accordance with Figure VI-1.
Shipboard Chain of Command in accordance with Figure V-1.