28 June 2001
Naval Aviator Production Process Improvement
Entitled WIP levels
Basis For Measurement
All active phases of training and pre-loads
Measurement Definition: The entitled number of students (WIP) in a
particular phase (WIP e).
WIP e=Phase output per year x entitled (syllabus) time x 1 + attrition
Phase output per year = the number of students planned to pass through
a phase in a single year.
Entitled (syllabus time) = For active training phases the entitled
time is the CNO approved syllabus time. For pre-loads the CNATRA
approved entitled pre-load times
Attrition = Number of students which do not continue to an FRS or
leave for medical reasons, etc. expressed as an annual percentage rate
Source Data And Reporting Frequency For Measurement
Actual ending on hand by phase for each TRAWING
Frequency: Collect and report data monthly, cut-off = close of
business last calendar day of the month. Data to be submitted by the
5th workday following month end.
Submit data to: Data is used to establish WIP e lines on charts and
to prepare delta WIP charts
Basis For Baseline:
Basis For Entitlement:
defined above
Attachment 2