22 April 2004
5. FPC IPs. The CO, XO, or a CO-designated
representative administers the FPC. It is the intent of CNATRA
that, wherever possible, the CO, or in his absence, the XO,
conducts FPCs. In the event that neither the CO nor XO are
qualified or available to instruct in the required stage, the CO
may designate a senior officer (O-4 or above) to conduct the FPC
by direction. Neither the student's on-wing nor the IP that
generated the UNSAT grade resulting in the FPC shall administer
the FPC. A qualified FPC IP shall monitor an FPC conducted in
the simulator. The FPC IP is responsible for a return to
training decision or an elimination recommendation to the
Progress Check Counseling
(1) Prior to an Initial Progress Check. The student's
Flight Leader or the Operations Officer shall counsel the student
on the Progress Check Training Review Process and document
counseling on a supplemental ATF.
(2) On Completion of an Initial Progress Check. The IPC
IP or Operations Officer shall counsel the student on the
Progress Check Training Review Process. When conducted by the
IPC IP, document counseling on the IPC ATF. When conducted by
the Operations Officer (and the Operations Officer was not the
IPC IP), document counseling on a supplemental ATF.
(3) On Satisfactory Completion of a Final Progress Check.
The CO or his designated representative will counsel the student.
Counseling should consist of the Progress Check Training Review
Process, elimination/retention recommendations, and future
courses of action. The CO shall document counseling on the FPC
ATF. If conducted by a designated representative, document
counseling on a supplemental ATF.
11. Special Instructions And Restrictions
Flight Hour/Event Requirements and Restrictions
(1) Programmed Hours and Events. Syllabus-programmed
flight hours are 58.5 hours. Sortie lengths or SXX86, 87, 88,
and 89 sorties will cause variation. Accomplish all syllabus
(2) Minimum Night Hours.
(3) Minimum Solo Hours.
(4) Minimum Instrument Hours (Actual or Simulated).
(5) Maximum Daily Student Activities (Aircraft,
Simulator, or Academic). Students shall not exceed two
activities during one duty day or three activities during cross-
country flights.