22 April 2004
(5) Incomplete Sorties. In general, IPs should consider
a sortie complete if able to accomplish either all high or all
low work. This is particularly true when weather precludes one
or the other, and the IP is able to emphasize training where
weather permits. Subsequent sorties in the block, when
available, can reverse this emphasis, hence achieving overall
training balance. If a student has had ample opportunity to
learn a task and subsequently flies a short mission, do not
incomplete the mission solely to provide unwarranted extra
(a) Assessment.
Assess the sortie complete if:
1. Seventy-five percent of the sortie's H/X was
used for training, and
2. Sufficient sorties remain in the block to
redress the imbalance, and
3. Individual maneuvers can still be
accomplished within the block.
Otherwise, assess the sortie incomplete.
(b) Completion Sorties
1. A sortie may both complete a previous sortie
and count as an advancing X.
2. For sorties flown exclusively to clear an
incomplete, grades on maneuvers repeated from the incomplete
sortie do not count towards the student's PAS.
(c) Simulator Sortie Completion. Assess a simulator
sortie complete if the student has received a full 1.5-hour
training period.
Policies for Evaluation Flights and Ground Evaluations
(1) Authorized Evaluators. The squadron commander will
designate check pilots for each stage.
(2) Check Rides (SXX90)
(a) Single-Sortie Training Blocks. Check rides
amount to single-sortie training blocks. Therefore, all rules
regarding progressing out of a block apply, except as noted
1. Should fly a representative cross section of
optional maneuvers.