27 June 2002
Average CEP for WEP-09 through 15 is 100-200 feet.
(T-45C only)
A CEP of less than 200 feet must be achieved on one of
the following flights: WEP-11, 12, or 13. Failure to
do so will result in a flight down (unsatisfactory).
Grading criteria may be modified by the Squadron
CO/Det OIC for adverse weather conditions.
A Weapon "E" may be awarded for the following CEP
- Bombs: A CEP of 75 feet or less with at least four
bombs dropped.
NOTE 10:
A minimum of four bombs delivered is required to
complete each flight.
NOTE 11:
Delivery of ordnance is required to complete a weapons
flight. The primary pattern intended to be introduced
is indicated, for example, by "30-degree bomb", while
the secondary patterns to be introduced but not
required for delivery are indicated, for example, by
"30-degree pattern".
NOTE 12:
Students must fly 30-degree, 20-degree, and 10-degree
patterns prior to completion of WEP-10X. All bombs
shall be dropped from the highest available pattern.
NOTE 13:
20-degree and 10-degree bombs are available as a
weather backup on WEP-09 through WEP-13.
NOTE 14:
30-degree bombs must be dropped on at least four
flights. The highest pattern required shall be flown
in order to meet individual curriculum requirements
within the flight.
NOTE 15:
CCIP target tracking may be practiced on WEP-15 and
flown only in the delivery mode and pattern as
introduced on WEP-14X (T-45C only).
NOTE 16:
Jacket review required prior to check flights.