03 March 1999
Marked, by instructor, "NOB" in grade
columns on items completed but not
observed. May be graded if observed by
qualified instructor (i.e., flight lead,
LSO, etc.).
"S" Coded Flights
Student instructional flights designated
by the letter "S" are flown in the 2F101
T-2C simulator.
Student shall adhere to guidelines
described above.
The previous definitions apply to all
items in "S" designated events.
Other definitions
Refer to CNATRAINST 1500.4E.
14. Performance Measurement. Flight performance criteria are
delineated as standards of performance in the Terminal and
Enabling Objectives outlined in Appendix A. Academic and Flight
Support unit criterion tests will be administered, graded and
recorded in accordance with procedures outlined in CNATRAINST
1500.4E. Acceptable standards are also provided in that
15. Flight Support. Prior to the first simulator or aircraft
event of a stage, each student shall successfully pass a flight
procedures examination covering the appropriate stage. Failure
of the examination shall constitute an observed "down" for
preflight preparation and shall be processed in normal manner.
16. Drop on Request (DOR) Policy. All NATRACOM courses are
voluntary. Accordingly, students have the option to individually
request termination of training. Any time the student makes a
statement such as "I quit" or "DOR", he shall be immediately
removed from the training environment and referred to the
appropriate division or training officer for administrative
17. Training Time Out. Any time a student or instructor has
apprehension concerning his personal safety or that of another,
he shall signal for a "Training Time Out" to clarify the
situation and receive or provide additional instruction as
appropriate. "Training Time Out" signals other than verbal shall
be appropriate to the training environment and clearly indicated
in the appropriate curriculum instructor lesson topic guides and
student guides.