18 May 1999
A-112 CNATRA-GEN 1542/66 - Jacket Review Divider. This form is
utilized to record the jacket reviews conducted by the student
with their assigned instructor, as required by the appropriate
curriculum and by this instruction. In the SNFO ATJ, this form
is on the bottom of the right side. In the SNP ATJ, it is on the
right side, under the Naval Aviator Stage Grades
(CNATRA 1542/5A, B, C, D).
A-113 CNATRA 1542/90 Pink Sheet Summary. This form is used to
summarize all student difficulties documented by "pink sheets"
(CNATRA-GEN 1542/31), including flight violations, accidents,
incidents, unsatisfactory events, and PRBs. The form will be
completed by the command at the completion of each phase, and the
entry "none" shall be made in all three sections of the form when
appropriate. The form is filed near the top on the left side of
the ATJ, just underneath CNATRA 1542/95.
A-114 CNATRA 1542/95 - Naval Aviator Aviation Training Jacket
(ATJ) Summary Card. The summary card is initiated upon
initiating the ATJ and filed on the left side just under the
CNATRA 1542 Privacy Act Statement. All entries must be in black
ink. Sex/race/ethnic code is from NAVMILPERSMAN 5010200 (see
Appendix C). Procurement source is from CNATRAINST 1542.7E
Aviation Training Production Statistical Reporting Manual.
Additionally, annotate procurement source with accession contract
agreements such as Aviation Visual Waiver (AVW), OSAM, or the 4 X
6 program. Anthropometric code is from the NAVMED 6410/9
Anthropometric Data record. The comment section will include
pertinent entries such as requirements for corrective lenses,
etcetera. Raw grades are rounded off to the nearest thousandth.
Squadron average (AVE) and standard deviation (SD) from the
ATSS/ATF program's conversion table are used to compute the NSS.
SYL: syllabus events/hours; NON-SYL: non-syllabus events/hours.
Data is transferred to the form upon completion of each phase.
Temporary entries may be made lightly in pencil for the purpose
of jacket reviews, PRBs, etcetera.
A-115 CNATRA 1542/96 - Primary Flight and Simulator Flight
Training. This form is completed after the primary phase of
training. The computed raw numerical flight grade and the
standard score are then transferred to the Naval Aviator Aviation
Training Jacket Summary card. The form is filed on the right
side of the SNP ATJ and is used to divide Primary and
Intermediate ATFs. The Simulated Flight Training section is for
those synthetic events that do not count as part of the flight
grade (CPTs, EPs, non high-fidelity simulators).
A-116 CNATRA 1542/97 - Primary Academic Training. This form is
used to record academic grades in the primary phase. It is
placed on the left side of the SNP ATJ and under it are filed
pink sheets (for other than flight downs), PRB forms, synthetic
ATFs (other than high-fidelity instructor graded events), and any
other forms pertinent to the Primary phase of training. When
completed, the final raw score and the standard score of Strike
course students only are transferred to the Naval Aviator
Aviation Training Jacket Summary card.