T-45C TS, ADV & IUT ENG-22
CNI System Malfunctions
NOTE: Counterclockwise rotation of the TACAN
bearing pointer is normal during periods of "break
b. Course steering arrow and time-to-go blanked on
2. Verifications
a. Verify TACAN receiver control panel switch settings
b. Verify TCN and CRS are Selected on HSI
c. Verify navigation control is set for crewstation you
are occupying
d. Verify same indications present in other cockpit, if
e. Verify position with other waypoint navigation source
or other aircraft, if possible
f. BIT fails
g. Check more than one TACAN station
h. Loss of aural ident
Verify the Morse identifier for your station
3. Effects on flight safety
a. If undetected, a TACAN azimuth failure could cause
you to leave assigned airspace, with ensuing risk of
midair collision
b. Possible navigation errors
c. Loss of TACAN navigation and approach capabilities
d. May require alternate approach
Original (9-98)
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