CNI System Malfunctions
T-45C TS, ADV & IUT ENG-22
e. Verify with other aircraft, if available
f. Verify with ATC
g. Verify condition of ILS glideslope with approach
control or tower
3. Effects on flight safety
a. May require missed approach procedure
b. Reduced approach capabilities (LOC only)
G. Instrument landing system (ILS) localizer failure
1. Indications
a. LOCALIZER advisory shown on all MFDs
b. Center portion of CDI blanked if ILS is the only
selected steering.
c. Localizer azimuth and glidesolpe deviation bars
blanked on ADI and HUD
2. Verifications
a. Verify VOR/ILS receiver control panel settings
b. Verify ILS selected on HSI
c. Verify navigation control is set for crewstation you
are occupying
d. Verify same indications present in other cockpit
e. Verify with other aircraft, if available
f. Verify status of facility with approach control or tower
g. BIT fails
h. Loss of aural identification
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Original (9-98)