Egress System
T-45C TS, ADV & IUT ENG-15
personnel who are within an expanded (100-
245 lbs) nude weight range
Canopy fragmentation system is synchronized
to ejection seat initiation
Ejection seat sequence same whether canopy
is in place or shattered via MDC prior to ejection
NOTE: Your canopy will not shatter during
ejection sequence, until your seat's ejection
sequence is initiated.
Upon separation of ejection seat from catapult,
electronic sequencer controls all events (e.g.,
drogue chute deployment, man/seat separation,
main chute deployment)
NOTE: A barostatic release mechanism is
used as a backup in the event of an electronic
sequencer failure at 18,000 ft. Activates
between 14,000 and 16,000 ft.
Parachute deployment totally dependent upon
ejection seat initiation. If seat fails to fire,
WARNING: Ejection with canopy in any
position other than fully closed and locked
is not recommended. Serious bodily injury
and seat malfunction may occur.
NOTE: Airspeed for minimum parachute
opening shock is 200 kts or less. Due to the
unique features of NACES, peak parachute
opening shock load occurs around 280 kts.
Parachute ejection above 200 kts would receive
the least opening shock in the 320-350 kts
range due to the benefits of the drogue phase
to stabilize and decelerate the seat. Above
600 kts, ejection becomes extremely
hazardous. As in all tactical jets, given a
choice, slow your aircraft as slow as practical in
straight and level flight, trimmed, before
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