verbiage "increase rate of descent" if above the glidepath or "decrease rate of
descent" if below the glidepath.
Descend to MDA. On an ASR approach, upon controller instruction, direct a descent
to MDA. Ensure rate of descent utilized is sufficient to arrive at the MDA prior to the
1. If receiving recommended altitudes, remember that they are
advisory in nature. They should be used as a guide to give an idea
if you are on a proper descent path to arrive at the MDA prior to
the MAP. If there is a deviation between aircraft altitude and
recommended altitude, state the difference. If above the
recommended altitude for 2 consecutive calls, recommend the pilot
increase his rate of descent to arrive at MDA prior to MAP.
2. There are 2 different techniques for the descent to MDA.
One is to maintain a gradual descent similar to the glideslope.
Another is to descend at a higher rate and arrive at the MDA
sooner. The goal of both is to arrive at the MDA with enough time
to visually acquire the runway environment prior to getting to the
11. Report 200 feet prior to DH or MDA and arrival at MDA/DH.
12. For ASR approaches, direct the pilot to level off at MDA. Ensure the pilot levels off at and
maintains the MDA since, at this point, their primary focus will be visually locating the airfield.
Do not allow descent below the MDA. If the pilot descends below the MDA, direct an
immediate climb to the MDA ("climb to 680 feet").
13. MAP.
For ASR approaches, when the controller advises, "Over MAP," ask the IP if he has
the field in sight.
For PAR approaches, once you reach your DH or the controller advises "at DH"
(whichever occurs first), ask the IP if the field is in sight. After reaching DH, the
controller will continue to provide course and flight path information until the aircraft
passes over the landing threshold and you advise "Proceeding Visually" . This
information is strictly advisory in nature.
14. If the field is in sight and the aircraft is in a position to make a safe landing, descent below
the MDA/DH is authorized. If both conditions are not met, direct the IP to execute a missed
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