1. Margin identification: The approach name is derived from the type facility providing Final
Approach Course (FAC) guidance.
The runway number is included when the FAC is within 30 of runway centerline
(e.g., VOR RWY 08).
A sequential letter code is included when the FAC is more than 30 from the runway
centerline (e.g., VOR-A, VOR-B, etc).
Multiple approaches with the same guidance will be annotated with an alphabetical
suffix beginning at the end of the alphabet and working backwards for subsequent
procedures (e.g., ILS Z RWY 28, ILS Y RWY 28, etc.).
More than 1 navigational system separated by a slash indicates that more than one
type of equipment MUST be used to execute the final approach (e.g., VOR/DME
RWY 31). VOR/DME in the margin means both VOR and DME receivers and
ground equipment are required to execute the final approach. Subsequently, the
procedure is not authorized when either VOR or DME is inoperative. TACAN
azimuth is not authorized for course guidance.
VOR/DME or TACAN in the margin means the procedure may be executed using
VOR or TACAN azimuth for course guidance and DME is required.
ILS or LOC in the margin. If it is an ILS Approach, it is flown using both glideslope
and course information and is thus considered a Precision Approach (PAR). A LOC
Approach uses course information only and is considered a Non-Precision Approach.
If flying the LOC portion of an ILS Approach, it will still be referred to as an ILS
approach (as listed in the approach plate margin).
2. Plan view. This is a bird's eye view of the approach procedure, including procedure turn or
another specified initial approach segment, Minimum Safe Altitudes (MSA), courses for the final
approach segment, obstructions, and navigation and communication frequencies. Data shown
within the distance circle (normally 10 NM) is always shown to scale. Dashed circles are used to
indicate needed information for the procedure which will not fit to scale within the plan view and
include enroute facilities (low altitude airways NAVAIDs, fixes, and intersections shown in their
relative position around the approach facility) and feeder facilities (NAVAIDs, fixes, and
intersections used by ATC to direct aircraft to intervening fixes between the enroute structure
and the IAF).
1. Surveillance Approach (ASR) or PAR listed below the
communications information indicates radar approaches and radar
vectors to FAC are available.
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