Failure to direct the transition to BAC and/or completing the Before Landing Checklist
prior to glideslope intercept or the FAF.
Failure to make altitude warnings.
Failure to maintain FAC.
Not directing the IP to maintain the aircraft at MDA.
Failure to ask the IP if a missed approach review is required.
10. Failure to report at the MAP and/or direct the missed approach/climb out, when required.
The LOC Approach makes use of a LOC transmitter, a component of an ILS, to provide course
guidance to the runway centerline. The LOC transmitter operates in the frequency range of
108.1- MHz to 111.95 MHz (odd tenths).
There are two types of LOC approaches:
1. Front course: The front course signal is emitted at the opposite end of the runway along
extended centerline and is adjusted to an angular width of 3 - 6 degrees to provide about 700 feet
of linear width at runway threshold.
2. LOC BC: The BC signal is transmitted along extended runway centerline, in the opposite
direction of the front course.
The LOC signal is identified by the letter "I" followed by the three-letter identifier (I-NPA). The
LOC signal has a usable range of at least 18 miles within 10 of the course centerline unless
otherwise stated on the IAP or radar service is provided.
A majority of the LOC approaches you will shoot will be as a portion of an ILS procedure. When
reading an ILS approach plate, be aware that two approaches are depicted on that plate an ILS
and a LOC approach. If performing the LOC portion of the approach, restrictions inside the FAF
and the S-LOC MDA will apply and be briefed. When executing the ILS approach, neither
restrictions inside the FAF nor the MDA will apply. When executing a LOC approach that is a
portion of an ILS approach, you will be cleared for the approach as listed in the approach plate
margin. For example, if you are executing the LOC approach off the CORPUS CHRISTI ILS
RWY 13R approach (Figure 5-19), you will be "cleared for the ILS approach" even though you
are executing a LOC approach.
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