3. Select OBS mode just prior to the holding fix and dial the CDI to the course that was given
in the LEG mode. This will give a direct course to the holding WPT.
4. Determine the direction for entry using standard holding or non-standard holding entry
At the holding fix conduct 6 Ts. SRTs will be used while in holding.
1. Timing or GPS distance may be used for leg lengths
depending on the type of holding depicted. If using GPS distance
for leg lengths, do not confuse TACAN DME or VOR/DME for
GPS distance.
2. When you rotate the CDI to the desired course, the new
course will be displayed as a line through the holding fix on the
KLN 900 screen.
6. At the completion of the outbound leg timing or at a specified GPS distance, turn towards
the holding course to intercept the holding course inbound. (Tail-Radial-Turn)
With the GPS in the OBS mode for holding, the double needle on
the EHSI functions like a VOR needle. The holding fix is a
simulated NAVAID and the tail/head of the needle will provide
simulated radial indications.
7. Upon reaching the holding fix for the second time, conduct the no-wind orbit. Roll out of
the turn on the outbound heading to parallel the holding course. This heading will be the same as
the reciprocal of the holding course.
8. At the completion of the outbound leg timing or at a specified GPS distance, turn towards
the holding course to intercept the holding course inbound. (Tail-Radial-Turn)
9. At wings level, begin timing if required and determine the wind direction (Tail-Radial-
Wind) and the number of degrees off the holding course. Set up intercept for the holding course.
10. Upon reaching the holding fix for the third time, determine the following:
Timing corrections if required (Headwind/Tailwind).
Number of degrees to correct for the crosswind. For every degree off the holding
course, use the same amount into the wind for a correction factor while outbound.
Use 1/2 of the correction factor while inbound to the holding fix.
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