restrictions for the intended approach. These are listed in the
approach plates, AP1, IFR supplement, and current NOTAMs.
2. The T-6A is an Approach Category B aircraft based on
approach speed of 91 KIAS or more, but less than 121 KIAS.
Figure 5-20 Circling
Published circling minimums provide a 300-foot obstacle clearance when pilots remain within
the appropriate area of protection (Figure 5-21).
Pilots should remain at or above the circling altitude until the aircraft is continuously in a
position from which a descent to a landing on the intended runway can be made at a normal rate
of descent using normal maneuvers. Circling may require maneuvering at low altitude, at low
airspeed, and in marginal weather conditions. Aircrew must use sound judgment, have an in-
depth knowledge of their capabilities, and fully understand the aircraft's performance to
determine the exact circle maneuver to use. The IP should brief division of responsibilities
during circling maneuvers (i.e., the IP will keep the runway in sight and the student will monitor
instruments, especially the altimeter.)
Figures 5-22 and 5-23 illustrate suggested patterns that may be flown. Choose a pattern that best
suits the situation.
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