Figure 4-16 illustrates a typical no-wind orbit. In this example, the inbound turn resulted in an
overshoot and a DTA intercept was set. The TAIL-RADIAL-WIND rule indicated a wind from
the north. This resulted in a 15 heading correction factor and the inbound timing of 50 seconds
indicated a 10-second timing correction factor.
The third and subsequent orbits in holding are called correction orbits. Correction orbits are
flown by applying the correction factors determined on your no-wind and subsequent correction
50 sec.
Figure 4-16 Correction Orbit
We will apply our heading correction to the outbound leg. The wind is from the north and the
correction factor is 15. For the intercept to the inbound course, your heading would be 300
(i.e., DTA intercept). This will get you on the holding course inbound to the fix. A 5 crab is
then required to maintain course. The no-wind outbound heading would be 090. By applying a
triple drift of 15 to the outbound heading, our compensated heading is 075. Therefore, use
075 as an outbound heading on the correction orbit.
The inbound leg in Figure 4-17 took 50 seconds, indicating a tailwind component with a 10
second correction factor. To make the inbound leg a full 60 seconds, longer outbound timing is
needed. Apply the 10-second factor to 60 seconds (original outbound timing). The outbound
timing on the correction orbit is then 70 seconds. If the inbound leg of the no-wind orbit was
longer than 60 seconds, use the timing correction factor to shorten the next outbound leg (to a
minimum of 30 seconds on your first outbound leg see "HOLDING DURING ADVERSE
WIND CONDITIONS" on the next page).
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