holding radial of 090 being to the right, indicating a right turn. Additionally, aircraft C is on the
110 radial with the holding radial of 090 being to the left, indicating a left turn.
If the aircraft (tail of the bearing pointer) is on the holding radial (aircraft B), turn to the holding
side of the pattern to remain within holding airspace (a left turn for a standard holding pattern or
a right turn for a nonstandard pattern).
Remember: TAIL - RADIAL - TURN
070 R
090 R
110 R
Figure 4-14 Tail Radial Turn
During the last half of the turn, check the position of the head of the bearing pointer relative to
the holding course. This will enable you to determine whether you will roll out on the holding
course, undershoot it, or overshoot it. If the aircraft is on the holding course at the completion of
the turn, simply track inbound. If this is not the case, utilize the DTA intercept procedure
previously discussed.
It is critical to establish the aircraft on the holding radial prior to crossing the station or fix.
Ensure the IP holds the DTA intercept heading until the head of the VOR bearing pointer drops
toward the holding radial. Judge the rate of bearing pointer movement to roll out on the holding
radial with the bearing pointer centered.
In Figure 4-15, aircraft A will be on the holding course at the completion of the turn. Although
the head of the bearing pointer is not directly on 270 at the point illustrated, it will fall the
remaining few degrees during the completion of the turn. Aircraft B shows an undershoot
situation. The head of the bearing pointer is on 255, 15 away from the holding course of 270.
Stopping the turn on 240 (15 away from 255) sets up a DTA intercept. Check to be sure the
head of the bearing pointer is in a position to fall to the desired course. Aircraft C depicts an
overshooting situation. Again, the turn is continued until a DTA intercept heading of 300 is
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