MINIMUM OBSTRUCTION CLEARANCE ALTITUDE - The specified altitude in effect
between radio fixes on VOR airways, off-airway routes or route segments, which meets
obstruction clearance requirements for the entire route segment and which assures acceptable
navigational signal coverage only within 25 SM, 22 NM, of a VOR.
MINIMUM RECEPTION ALTITUDE - The lowest altitude required to receive adequate
signals to determine specific VOR/VORTAC/TACAN fixes.
MINIMUM SAFE ALTITUDE - An altitude expressed in 100-foot increments providing 1000
feet of clearance over all obstructions/terrain within 25 NM of the NAVAID on which the
instrument approach chart is centered. These altitudes will be identified as minimum sector
altitudes or emergency safe altitudes.
MINIMUM SECTOR ALTITUDE - Altitude that provides 1000 feet of obstacle clearance
within 25 NM of a NAVAID. It is designated for sectors of at least 90 and found on the plan
view of IAPs. These altitudes are for emergency use only and do not assure acceptable
NAVAID sector coverage.
MINIMUM VECTORING ALTITUDE - The lowest altitude, (expressed as an MSL altitude)
an aircraft will be vectored by a radar controller. This altitude assures communications radar
coverage and meets obstruction clearance criteria. It may be lower than the MEA.
MISSED APPROACH - A maneuver conducted by a pilot when an instrument approach cannot
be completed to a landing.
MISSED APPROACH POINT - A point on an instrument approach at which missed approach
procedures shall be executed if required visual reference does not exist.
NAVAID - An electronic device that provides position data to aircraft in flight. NAVAIDs are
normally located at fixed positions on the ground. The NAVAIDs most commonly used by the
T-34C are VOR, VORTAC, and TACAN aids.
NON-PRECISION APPROACH - A standard IAP in which no electronic glideslope is
provided (e.g., VOR, TACAN, or ASR approaches.)
PRECISION APPROACH RADAR - A standard IAP in which an electronic glideslope is
provided. In this type of approach, the pilot is provided with course and altitude information.
(See Ground Controlled Approach.)
PUBLISHED ROUTE - A route for which an IFR altitude has been established and published
(e.g., federal airways, jet routes, area navigation routes, specified direct (feeder) routes.)
PROCEDURE TURN - A maneuver used to reverse direction to establish an aircraft on the
intermediate approach segment or FAC of an instrument approach. The outbound course,
direction of turn, distance within which the turn must be completed, and minimum altitude are
specified in the procedure. However, the point at which the turn may be commenced and the
type and rate of turn, are left to the discretion of the pilot.
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