ESTABLISHED ON COURSE - When the aircraft position is within 5 radials of the selected
course and the aircraft's movement is in the same direction as the selected course. A shallow
intercept to course will be defined as aircraft heading within 30 of the desired course.
EXPECTED FURTHER CLEARANCE (TIME) - The time an aircrew can expect to receive
clearance beyond a clearance limit.
FINAL APPROACH SEGMENT - The segment of an instrument approach between the FAF
and the MAP.
FINAL APPROACH FIX - The fix from or over which final approach (IFR) to an airport is
FIX - A geographical position determined by reference to one or more radio NAVAIDs. A fix
can be defined as the actual location of the NAVAID, a distance and radial from a NAVAID, or
the crossing point of 2 different radials from 2 different NAVAIDs.
FLIGHT PLAN - Specified information provided to ATC facilities, relative to the intended
flight of an aircraft.
FLIGHT SERVICE STATION - A facility operated by the FAA to provide flight assistance
service. (Their call sign is "_______ Radio", EXAMPLE. "Anniston Radio")
GROUND CONTROLLED APPROACH - A radar approach system whereby a controller
interprets a radar display, transmitting approach instructions to the pilot by radio, to place the
aircraft in position for landing. The approach may use ASR providing course and range
information or PAR providing course, range, and glideslope information. Usage of the term
"GCA" by aircrews is discouraged. Aircrews should specifically request a "PAR" or ASR
HEADING - The direction the longitudinal axis of the aircraft is pointed, usually expressed in
degrees magnetic.
HEIGHT ABOVE AIRPORT - The height of the MDA above the published airport elevation.
Published in conjunction with circling minimums.
HEIGHT ABOVE TOUCHDOWN - The height of the DH or MDA above the highest runway
elevation in the touchdown zone (first 3000 feet of the runway). HAT is published on instrument
approach charts in conjunction with all straight-in minimums.
INITIAL APPROACH FIX - The fix depicted on an IAP chart that identifies the beginning of
the initial approach segment.
INITIAL APPROACH SEGMENT - The part of an instrument approach between the IAF and
the intermediate or FAF or point.
INITIAL CONTACT - The first radio call you make to a given facility or a different controller.
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