Lead has a few options in the above scenario. He could have opted
to level off 7000 feet (providing 500 feet of altitude separation
from Wingman) instead of going to all the way to 9000 feet. In
either case, it is important for Lead to advise ATC of the situation
and of the flight's intentions. Good headwork and procedural
knowledge is important in all lost sight situations.
Missed Approach
ABOVE MSA - Execute procedures outlined above.
WING - Momentarily turn away from Lead and inform him of lost sight. Climb to an altitude
500 feet above missed approach altitude while flying the published or assigned missed approach
LEAD - Fly the published or assigned missed approach procedures. Obtain a separate clearance
from ATC for the Wingman.
There are times during a formation flight when any member of the flight may see a need to
terminate maneuvering. Depending on the urgency of the situation, the formation may utilize the
words "terminate" or "knock-it-off." Typically, "terminate" is the proper term to use for a
crewmember getting sick or when they feel the learning objectives have been met. "Knock-it-
off" is used when safety of flight is an issue such as when an outside aircraft finds his way into
your airspace and presents a hazard or perhaps there is an emergency within your aircraft such as
a CHIP light or a crewmember has G-locked due to poor Anti-G Straining Maneuver (AGSM)
execution. When either of these calls is made, Lead will maneuver in a predictable manner to a
safe flying attitude (typically recovering to straight-and-level flight or into a shallow AOB if
required.) Lead will then be directive with subsequent intentions.
As with all communications in the aviation environment, it is critical to use the proper format
when making these calls. To initiate a "terminate" call, any member of the formation will state
"(Tactical Call sign), terminate." Regardless of who made that call (including flight Lead), flight
Lead will then say "(Tactical Call sign)-1, terminate" followed by the Wingman stating "(Tactical
Call sign)-2, terminate. For "knock-it-off" calls, the same format is used except the word
"terminate" is replaced by the words "knock-it-off".
Example of a "knock-it-off" call that was initiated by flight Lead:
"Slinky, knock-it-off, Slinky-1 knock-it-off"
"Slinky-2 knock-it-off"
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