should allow the Wingman ample time to establish the required 1500 feet of landing separation.
If Lead is not able to coordinate clearance to land and establish the section drag in time to ensure
1500 feet of runway separation, Lead will coordinate a section low approach and re-attempt. If
the Wingman realizes they will not have sufficient separation, he will wave off.
OPNAV 3710.7 specifically prohibits the Wingman from slowing
to less than normal approach speed or using "S" turns to obtain
Guidelines for the planning and execution of section instrument approaches are thoroughly
covered in OPNAV 3710.7 Section 538 and Wing SOP, Chapter 3, Section 301.
Runway Ops. The lead aircraft will land on the center of the downwind half of the runway and
the Wingman will land on the center of the other half of the runway. Just as in the takeoff
sequence, the centerline is treated like a brick wall until both aircraft are safe on deck and have
slowed to a safe taxi speed. If Lead will need to cross in front of the Wingman in order to exit
the runway, the Wingman is required to call "(Tactical Call sign)-2, slow" prior to Lead crossing
in front of the Wingman (this call signifies the Wingman has adequate spacing and speed control
ensuring it is safe for Lead to cross.)
It should be noted, there is no rush to make an early turnoff from the runway, potentially
compromising formation safety. If at anytime, things do not go as planned during this critical
phase of flight, maintain aircraft control and use the radios.
Post Landing Ground Ops. After clearing the duty/active runway (remember, the formation is
not clear of the runway until the last Wingman is clear), the formation must still maintain
formation integrity (just as in Departure Ground Operations). Once the formation clears the
runway in use, change to the ground frequency (or follow tower communication instructions) and
taxi In Accordance With (IAW) procedures previously discussed in Chapter 2.
When returning to Sherman Field, the formation will taxi back to the chocks on button 3 and
only the lead aircraft will switch to the appropriate base frequency to report the Return to Base
(RTB). This call will be made when the lead aircraft enters the T-6A ramp area and without
notifying Wingman.
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