| ![]() T-6A FORMATION
Figure 4-14 Tactical Turns Away From the Wingman
410. 45 TURNS
Forty-five degree (45) turns are used anytime the formation requires a turn between 31 - 75
degrees heading change. These turns may be into or away from the Wingman and may be called
or uncalled.
45 Turns Into the Wingman
Called Turns Into the Wingman (Figure 4-15). The maneuver will begin with the
Lead calling, "(Tactical Call sign), 45 right/left". When the Wingman responds
"Two", the Lead will turn into the Wingman with a standard tactical turn to the
desired new heading and the Wingman will delay until seeing the Lead aircraft roll
out. The Wingman will then fly above and across Lead's flightpath to the tactical
formation position on the opposite side.
Uncalled turns into the Wingman are performed identical to called turns except there
are no radio calls. The Lead aircraft simply turns into the Wingman to the desired
heading and rolls wings level. The Wingman delays (assuming a 90 turn) until
recognizing that Lead has rolled wings level at which time the Wingman will then fly
above and across Lead's flightpath to the proper tactical formation position on the
opposite side. As a technique, the Lead may aggressively roll out of the turn after 20 -
30 degrees. In this way the Wingman will know early on that the maneuver being
completed is an uncalled 45 and not a 90 tac turn.
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