Figure 3-2 Cruise Check or Fuel Check
Procedures. When weather conditions preclude accomplishing a section takeoff, the flight has
two options:
1. Lead aircraft will level off below an overcast or ceiling and adjust power to maintain 160
KIAS until the Wingman has joined up, then adjust power to approximately 90% torque and start a
160 KIAS climb to VFR on top. It is imperative the Wingman maintain section integrity by safely
maintaining visual contact.
2. Execute a trail departure where Lead will penetrate the weather maintaining 160 KIAS
(with approximately 90% torque) and calling all turns and altitudes (in 500 foot increments) on
the VHF radio. Additionally, Wingmen will maintain 160 KIAS using the same parameters and
initiate standard rate turns thirty seconds after Lead's called turn in order to maintain a trail
position. Wingmen will also ensure they maintain at least 500 feet of altitude separation below
Lead (based on Lead's radio calls) until visual. Lead aircraft will advise the flight of any speed
changes as well (i.e., if desired, during an intermediate level-off). Once visual is regained on
Lead, Wingman will call visual and expect Lead to direct a rejoin. If the Wingman becomes
confused as to Lead's position, the Wingman must turn away from Lead's last known position
and inform Lead (who will coordinate for a rejoin plan or get separate clearances).
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