Figure 3-1 Runway Positioning for Takeoff
When in position on the duty runway, look for Wingman's thumbs-up signal
(indicating they are lined up and ready to run up) then pass the 5-second signal (hand
vertical with 5 fingers extended) immediately followed by the runup signal (2 fingers
extended and wrist rotated in a circular motion). Lead will set 30% torque and check
his aircraft for safety of flight items and proper instrument indications. The Wingman
will do the same.
The Lead will watch for the Wingman initiated thumbs-up which signifies the
Wingman is ready for takeoff. The Lead will then kiss off Wing and execute a
normal takeoff utilizing his side of the runway. After safely airborne, the Lead will
clean up, reduce power and maintain 160 KIAS to affect the running rendezvous.
The Lead will also comply with local course rules for departure. If a turn is required
it will be made at 30 AOB or less. If level-off occurs prior to rejoin, maintain 160
The Wingman will position his aircraft in the center in the remaining half of the runway,
moving forward until the leading edge of his wing is in line with the trailing edge of the Lead's
horizontal stabilizer. When in position and ready for runup, pass a thumbs-up signal to Lead.
Lead will respond with the runup signal and the Wingman will set 30% torque and check his
gauges for normal indications. After performing his safety of flight checks and when ready for
takeoff, the Wingman will pass a thumbs-up to Lead. When the Lead starts his takeoff roll, the
Wingman will check his clock and should begin his takeoff roll five seconds later. This should
allow approximately 500 feet separation between aircraft. Make a normal takeoff and climb out
using maximum allowable torque. AOB will be adjusted as necessary to establish your aircraft
inside the Lead's radius of turn (still complying with course rules or ATC instructions),
maintaining the Lead slightly above the horizon throughout the rendezvous.
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