Figure 1-5 Numeral Eight Signal
2. Verbal Radio Change: The other method to change a frequency is through the use of the
radio. This method should be used in the parade position during reduced visibility and when the
Wingman is in a cruise or tactical formation. To change a frequency over the radio the Lead will
initiate the call as in the following example:
Reference to "Call sign" is the call sign on the flight schedule, (i.e.,
"Buck 321"). "Tactical Call sign," (i.e., "Slinky"), is the call sign
that you decide and brief.
Lead: "(Tactical Call sign) (i.e., "Slinky"), switch button 17"
Wing: "Two"
Once established on button 17:
Lead: "(Tactical Call sign) (i.e., "Slinky")"
Wing: "Two"
This method is also very appropriate when talking to ATC. When ATC switches you to another
frequency, you put the frequency change for the flight at the end of the ATC response. You will
normally need a positive check-in on the new frequency. This can be accomplished as follows:
ATC: "(Call sign) (i.e., "Buck 321"), change to my frequency 386.0"
Lead: "(Call sign) (i.e., "Buck 321"), flight switch 386.0"
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