| ![]() T-6A FORMATION
basics of how flightpaths relate to each other in dynamic maneuvering. The students will also
gain an appreciation for the techniques of proper body positioning and how this will aid them in
keeping the Wingman in sight. These techniques will be directly applied by the students when
they enter their tactical training in advanced jets.
2. Cruise Turn Away. When the Lead turns away from the Wingman, the Wingman should
roll with the Lead and slowly increase his rate of roll so as to smoothly maneuver to the inside of
the Lead's turn. Once inside the Lead's turn, a slight power reduction and decrease in AOB will
be necessary to maintain proper position. As the Lead increases the AOB and the Wingman
maintains position on the inside of the turn, the Wingman will find he may need to reduce his
stepdown on the Lead.
3. Cruise Turn Into. When the Lead turns into the Wingman, the Wingman should
simultaneously and smoothly reduce power and may slightly lag the Lead's rate of roll so as to
slide toward the Lead's turn radius. Depending on the rate of roll, this may be a gentle maneuver
requiring almost no sliding or one which requires the Wingman to expeditiously slide to the
Lead's turn radius. One common error for the Wingman, particularly if the Lead rolls and pulls
rapidly, is to lag too much behind the Lead's rate of roll and get spit out of the turn. Another
error is to roll faster than the Lead and lose nose-to-tail separation by being inside the Lead's
radius of turn.
4. Wingovers/Modified Barrel Rolls. Wingovers and barrel rolls are performed as in the
Contact stage. Barrel rolls may be modified to be inverted after 45 of heading change. When
performing these maneuvers, the Lead will start by increasing "G" in order to establish a climb.
The Wingman should match the Lead's pull in order to maintain position. If the Wingman is
slow in applying "G", two problems arise simultaneously: First, Lead will gain altitude faster
than the Wingman, and second, Lead will have more induced drag (less airspeed) than the
Wingman. The end result is a Wingman low and acute on the Lead. This uncomfortable
position may be resolved by smoothly increasing "G" (and induced drag) to get back into
position, making smaller power adjustments as necessary. A common error is for the Wingman
to reduce power in order to regain proper position (due to the acute sight picture). This will
decrease airspeed and "G" available, and still leave the Wingman out of position (low and likely
going sucked) and now needing more power to reestablish proper position.
5. Tail Chase Maneuvers. The cruise maneuvering used in tail chase is essentially the same as
the cruise used during the transit to the working area. The only differences are tail chase is a
more dynamic regime of flight and we maintain approximately 500 feet of separation between
aircraft. In the tail chase portion of the parade sequence, the Lead will start his maneuvering with
steep turns and reversals. These will be followed by some wingovers and barrel rolls to increase
SA in a dynamic flight regime. Eventually the flight will progress through all the common
aerobatic maneuvers introduced in the Contact syllabus. Throughout these maneuvers, aircraft
will avoid less than 1 or greater than 5 positive "Gs" or maneuver with less than 120 KIAS. The
following are some very specific responsibilities for the student in this stage.
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