Student Duties
The Leader. Prior to commencing a parade turn, the Lead will check the Wingman in
position and clear the area. The Lead student will be expected to direct parade turns as well as
the rollouts or reversals. Remember, Lead planning involves consideration of subsequent
maneuvers and area limitations.
The Wingman. The Wingman will maintain flight integrity throughout the parade
sequence. Additionally, the Wingman will continue to clear the area for the flight, maintain SA
on area orientation, monitor internal cockpit instruments, and assist the pilot as a copilot.
3. Turns Away From the Wingman. There are two parade positions for the Wingman on turns
away from the Lead. The first is the IMC position in which the Wingman roles about the Lead's
longitudinal axis to maintain the standard parade sight picture. It should be noted that on a turn
away in IMC parade, the Wingman's aircraft will be slightly higher than the Lead. The second is
the VMC position in which the Wingman will match the Lead's AOB, but the Wingman will roll
about their own longitudinal axis, thereby staying level with the Lead (visually having Lead's
fuselage bisect the horizon).
Turns Into the Wingman. The Wingman will match the Lead's rate of roll and AOB so they
maintain the same parade checkpoints as in straight-and-level flight.
A formation must be flexible to achieve maximum maneuverability; therefore, the Lead must be
able to change the positions of the Wingman within the formation. The crossunder is a maneuver
where the Wingman moves laterally from a parade position to the corresponding parade position
on the opposite side of the Lead, while maintaining stepdown and nose-to-tail distance.
1. The Lead. The Lead student will check the Wingman in position, clear the area, keep the
formation clear of obstructions, and in the area limits. The Lead aircrew will then give the
crossunder signal (Figure 4-5). Lead will also maintain a steady platform while the Wingman is
crossing under.
2. The Wingman. You may see two different types of crossunders. The first is a five-step
maneuver in which the Wingman will slide aft, then down, slide under to other wing, then up and
forward to the parade position. The more common crossunder maneuver is the "V" type
maneuver where the Wingman will slide down, under and up to the parade position in one fluid
movement. In either case, one can expect to see the same stepdown (keep Lead's exhaust stacks
in view for appropriate stepdown) from the Lead's aircraft as well as smooth and controlled
relative motion.
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