Figure 5-9 BDHI Corrections
The BDHI maneuver is not going to work in this situation; the silo was not within 30 of the
compensated heading. The best course of action is to return to compensated heading, mark
abeam of the checkpoint (noting the distance abeam), and perform a standard correction. This is
depicted in Figure 5-10.
"Jungle Rules" corrections - used only on the target leg with the target in sight!
On the target leg, you may use standard time corrections if less than 12 seconds off. For Jungle
Rules course corrections to the target, turn the aircraft in the direction of the target, and call for
roll out as the target approaches the 12 o'clock position. This maneuver might sound as follows:
"Target in sight, at 2 o'clock, hard right, clear right." As the target approaches twelve o'clock:
"Steady up, target at 12 o'clock." Headings are preferable, not required. In this situation, it is not
necessary to cross the target on preflight heading.
Time Analysis
This is the second step of four which gets the aircraft back on course and on time. During this
step, it is determined how much time (if any) the mission is off from preflight timing. As in the
Turn Analysis, Time Analysis incorporates turnpoint geometry to determine where the aircraft is
after the point has been passed. Refer to Figures 5-5 and 5-6. During this step, implement a
speed correction as needed to get back to preflight timing. Initiate a speed correction only if the
aircraft is off mission timing by more than 12 seconds.
Turnpoint Geometry. Once again, if you are not directly over the top of a turnpoint, you will
actually increase/decrease the distance the aircraft has to fly to stay on mission profile. After a
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