At the top of the loop, in the inverted position, the airspeed will be greatly reduced. As the nose
passes through the opposite horizon keep the nose moving at a constant rate. As soon as you can
(with your head still tilted back) pick up your ground reference line and fly the nose of the
aircraft along that line.
Gradually relax right rudder pressure as the airspeed increases in the dive and adjust stick
pressure as necessary to maintain a constant rate of nose movement (approximately 3.5-4.0 Gs).
Return to straight and level flight at approximately the altitude and airspeed the maneuver was
Transition to aerobatic cruise, 200 to 220 KIAS, and commence the clearing turn and roll out
on/parallel to a section line. Pick a reference point on the horizon 90 to either side of the nose.
As the nose climbs above the horizon, start a roll toward the 90 checkpoint. Control the climb
and the bank so the nose of the aircraft is pitched up approximately 45 as the wings reach 45 of
bank. At this time, the aircraft heading should have changed approximately 45.
Continue to roll toward 90 AOB as the nose inscribes a circular pattern toward the horizon.
Maintain orientation by concentrating on your outside reference points. Control rate of roll and
nose movement to arrive at 90 AOB, ~120 KIAS and nose aligned with the 90 reference point.
Max AOB for this maneuver is 90.
Start rolling out into a diving turn. After 135 of turn, the nose will be approximately 45 below
the horizon and the AOB will again be 45. Increase the back pressure, as necessary, to start
raising the nose toward the horizon and continue rolling out at a constant rate so the aircraft
returns to straight and level flight at aerobatic cruise speed 180 from the original heading.
As soon as you've stabilized, straight and level at aerobatic cruise speed, repeat two through five
above, making your turn in the opposite direction. The series is complete when the aircraft has
returned to its original heading in straight and level balanced flight at aerobatic cruise speed.
Barrel Roll
Commence your clearing turn at 200-220 KIAS. Roll out of the turn on/parallel to a good section
line. Establish a reference point on the horizon 90 from your heading in the direction you intend
to roll.
Raise the nose to commence the maneuver and start a roll so that you travel around in an arcing
path in the direction of your selected checkpoint. After 45 of turn, the AOB will be 90 and the
nose will be at its highest point (approximately 55 to 60 degrees above the horizon).
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