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The waveoff or go-around is a planned discontinuation of an approach. The waveoff can be
initiated anywhere inside the 180position all the way to the landing flare. It can be directed
(i.e., Tower, RDO, crash crew) or self-initiated to avoid any number of unsafe or undesirable
situations. The waveoff is an invaluable tool to safe pattern operations and should not be viewed
as an abnormal procedure.
The sooner the decision to waveoff a poor approach, the better. Never attempt to "save" the
landing at the last minute. Make the decision conservatively to go-around and execute the
waveoff procedure. Keep in mind a waveoff is not an emergency procedure unless it is executed
too late. Recognizing a poor approach situation (i.e. overshooting final) and executing a proper
waveoff well before getting into a dangerous situation (i.e. steep AOB to correct back to the
runway) is demonstrating maturity and good judgment and would never be questioned.
Be alert for a mandatory waveoff directed by the Tower, RDO, or crash crew. It may be signaled
over the radio, with flashing lights (normally red), or a rocket flare. If there is any question about
a possible waveoff signal, use the conservative response and execute the go-around. Once
you've initiated a waveoff, do not change your mind and attempt to land.
Use good judgment when executing the waveoff procedure.
Depending on where the waveoff is initiated, procedures may be
modified to fit existing conditions.
Advance PCL to maximum power (firewall).
Normally, a smooth, judicious PCL advancement will suffice.
However, the PMU controls the engine's acceleration schedule,
allowing PCL movements as rapidly as desired at any altitude, if
Level the wings and, as engine spools up, smoothly raise the nose to the takeoff attitude.
Anticipate the need to counteract the left yawing tendency due to engine torque with right
rudder and/or trim. Keep the balance ball centered.
Once a positive rate of climb is confirmed, select flaps up and transmit radio call, "Call
Sign, waveoff." Trim.
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