the horizon as in the last half of a loop. Ease out right rudder as the aircraft accelerates to a
recovery speed.
Check oil pressure and advance power as required.
One-Half Cuban Eight
Commence a clearing turn. During the last 90 of turn lower the nose and accelerate to
230 to 250 KIAS. Roll out of your clearing turn on/parallel to a section line with
230 to 250 KIAS.
Recheck the wings level and check the airspace above you clear. Start a smooth, straight pull-up
accelerating to 3.5 to 4.0 Gs within two to three seconds.
Check wings level as the nose passes through the horizon.
Shortly after passing the vertical position tilt your head back so you can see the opposite horizon.
Keep the wings parallel to the horizon and maintain the proper heading by gradually increasing
right rudder pressure counteracting the effect of decreasing airspeed and constant torque.
At the top of the loop, in the inverted position, the airspeed will be greatly reduced. As the nose
passes through the opposite horizon, keep the nose moving at a constant rate. As soon as you can
(with your head still tilted back), pick up your ground reference line and fly the nose of the
aircraft along that line.
As the nose approaches a point 30 below the opposite horizon, slow the nose movement by
releasing back stick pressure and commence a roll in either direction, using aileron and rudder.
During the roll, it will take slight forward stick pressure as the aircraft goes wings vertical to hold
the heading and to continue the nose straight down to a position 45 below the horizon. At an
altitude 1000 feet above your entry altitude, commence a smooth pullout to straight and level
balanced flight on entry altitude.
Commence a clearing turn. During the last 90 of turn lower the nose and accelerate to
230 to 250 KIAS. Roll out of your clearing turn on a section line with 230 to 250 KIAS.
Recheck the wings level and check the airspace above you clear. Start a smooth, straight pull-up
accelerating to 3.5 to 4.0 G's within two to three seconds.
Check wings level as the nose passes through the horizon. Adjust stick pressure as necessary to
keep the nose moving at a constant rate.
Shortly after passing the vertical position tilt your head back so you can see the opposite horizon.
Keep the wings parallel to the horizon and maintain the proper heading by gradually increasing
right rudder pressure counteracting the effect of decreasing airspeed and constant torque.
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