While rolling out on final approach, smoothly reduce power as required to slow to final
approach airspeed (110/105/100 KIAS, respectively) and continue down the glide path.
Crossing the runway threshold, further power reduction may be required to stay on speed.
When five to ten feet above the runway surface, transition your eyes down the runway and begin
a smooth power reduction to idle. In ground effect, set the landing attitude, steadily increasing
back stick pressure to flare the airplane and land.
Once the main tires touch down, smoothly lower the nose gear to the runway and increase
power to maximum (firewall). Counteract any pitch up tendency with forward stick/trim and left
yaw with right rudder/trim.
After the engine spools up and with 85 KIAS minimum, raise the nose to the takeoff
attitude. Allow the aircraft to fly itself off the runway. Once a positive rate of climb is
confirmed, fully retract the flaps (leave gear down). Trim.
Retraction of flaps from the TO to the UP position is not
recommended below 110 KIAS to preclude the aircraft settling
back to the runway. However, there is no minimum to raise the
flaps from the LDG to the TO position.
Reduce power to 60 to 70 percent torque. Accelerate to and climb straight ahead at
120 KIAS. Begin visually acquiring interval traffic.
10. When above 400feet AGL and "#1 with interval," make the crosswind radio call and begin
the crosswind turn. Maintain 120 KIAS in the climb.
You are "#1 upwind, with interval" for the crosswind turn when:
1) the aircraft ahead of you is abeam or behind your wingtip and
has completed at least 90 of turn, or 2) the aircraft ahead of you
on the upwind leg has departed the pattern (thus doing away with
any "abeam" requirement to turn).
11. Initiate level off 50 feet prior to pattern altitude by lowering the nose and reducing power to
~31%. Level off, maintain 120 KIAS, and establish 3/4 WTD spacing from the duty runway.
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